First-Aid guidance, in your pocket.
Atlanta, GA
Mobile App
Portfolio Project
Designer, Researcher
Health & Fitness
April 2024
Market Research
The claim
The problem
First Aid:
American Red Cross
First Aid -
Emergency App
“It’s helpful if you’re in a place where 911 can easily be called and help can arrive but... What happens if you’re camping in the wilderness or are far away from any hospitals...? Give us more knowledge.”
“It would be nice if there was a video about how to help someone that is choking.”
“Good luck quickly finding what you need in an urgent situation. You HAVE to scroll through categories and topics to find what you need. I want a search button that helps me find what I need ASAP.”
Who is this product for?
The following three personas represent just a few of our potential users and show how this product can help people of different lifestyles and backgrounds.
John Anderson
Outdoor Enthusiast
To be prepared in the event of an unexpected injury during any outdoor excursions
To gain access to first aid information quickly and easily
Most first aid apps don’t have the option for downloads
Poor connection to the app when limited on cell service
To educate her employees on first aid in the workplace
To prioritize safety and prompt action in case of emergencies
Her workplace does not have any programs in place to educate staff on workplace safety and first aid
Finding credible training available to groups in the area
Maria Rodriguez
Office Manager
Age: 35
Location: Dallas, Texas
Background: Maria works in a busy office environment where she was recently promoted. She oversees day-to-day operations and manages a small team of employees. She's proactive about workplace procedures and prefers having a plan for whatever may arise.
Sarah Johnson
Mother to a Newborn
To be prepared to administer first aid to her child in the even of an emergency
To learn more about potential risks in the household involving children that she may have otherwise not have known about
Has little time in her busy schedule at home to step away and learn first aid training
Most first aid apps focus on adults and have little information on children
Age: 32
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Background: Sarah recently became a mother to a newborn baby girl. This is her first child. She spends most of her time keeping the home in order, caring for her baby at home and occasionally ventures out for errands.
User Flow
For this portion of the case study, I chose to highlight a simple but effectively useful task for one of our persona’s in particular.
Remember Sarah Johnson? She’s a mother to a newborn baby girl and she would like to learn more about how she can help her child in the event of a medical emergency.
She would like to watch videos (preferably) as she can pause and come back to the same spot, in case she gets pulled away.
She would also like the option of saving them, in the event she knows she’ll have to come back to it later when she has more free time.
High-Fidelity UI Design
Once the initial flow was complete, I started by creating a couple of the main screens of the app. I started by defining the fonts and colors.
Color Palette
Merriweather (Logo), Merriweather Sans
Regular, Bold, ExtraBold
Merriweather - AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHh
Merriweather Sans - AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHh
After choosing the colors and fonts, I was able to create a few simple components to aid in navigation and visual hierarchy.
Secondary Navigation (Top)
UI Screens
These are some of the high-fidelity mock ups for the later stages of the project.
User Response
Prompt #1: How intuitive do you find the app's user interface?
User #3: "The user interface is very intuitive. The icons and labels are clear, and the navigation is straightforward. Even in a high-stress situation, I can easily find what I need without getting overwhelmed."
Prompt #2: How does the app's design contribute to your confidence in handling first aid situations?
User #1: "The design is clean and professional, which gives me confidence that the information is reliable. The color-coded sections help me quickly identify different types of first aid scenarios, and the app's overall layout makes it easy to follow the instructions without confusion."
Prompt #3: How does the app's educational content impact your preparedness for first aid situations?
User #2: "The educational content is a great addition. The articles and videos on common first aid procedures and preventative measures have really improved my knowledge. I feel much more prepared and confident in my ability to handle various first aid situations because of the detailed, easy-to-understand information provided."
The users appeared to have confidence in the apps overall design and satisfied with the content and it’s detail. They found it easy to navigate and had little criticism for where the project is at in its current form.
Project Summary
During the project, I was able to evaluate the current app market and get in touch with potential users in order to gain insights into the people around me. With a deep sense of empathy and extroverted curiosity, I was able to put myself in the shoes of our user personas and create a product that speaks to their wants and needs.
Key Takeaway
In my UX journey, this project helped me see that empathy alone will only take you so far and that learning more is the key to a deeper insight into creating a product that is undeniably needed.
In this case, a significant amount of Americans do not know how to handle first aid situations. However, people are busy. People want to learn on the go and the market is incredibly slim. Not only that, but the market lacks personality and signs of life, in its current state. This app could add a quality to one’s life and potentially save one as well.
If you have any questions regarding to this project, feel free to contact me directly.
Thank you!